Whilst most of us were enjoying our last bank holiday basking in the sun, eating great food, and having a few drinks our Export Logistics Specialist, Natalie was gearing up to run her first 10k race.
Natalie has raised a whopping £565 for her chosen charity Macmillan, as a team Precision UK is incredibly proud of Natalie and what she has achieved for such an amazing charity.
Well done Natalie!!
If you would like to show support and donate to Macmillian please follow the link: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/natalie-hughes2000?utm_source=whatsapp&utm_medium=fundraising&utm_content=natalie-hughes2000&utm_campaign=pfp-whatsapp&utm_term=6bd56f97dc604fb9ae3f23ec4bc03cc7