The extensive spread of Corona Virus (Covid-19) has without a doubt created question marks in several different industries, and placed a hold on certain activities. In light of this, we would like to assure you that our high service ambition at Precision UK continues just as usual.
We have plenty of stock and are continuously manufacturing to meet with the current demand. Our PUK team are working closely with couriers and shipping lines to ensure there is as little disruption as possible to UK and Export shipping.
In the current circumstances, as we are sure you understand, we have chosen not to travel to the same extent that we do usually to consider you, our customers, and our staff. We are able to offer support via conference calls and video calls to assist you with any queries you may have.
Ultimately, we hope that you and your family are not suffering from this outbreak.
Please be assured that we are committed to helping you to continue to finalise your projects. If you have any questions regarding how the coronavirus will affect your current orders, please get in touch with your Precision UK representative or contact us.